Book review: Girls Own Survival Guide

Ok I know what you’re thinking…. why is Nudeyman writing a book review and what’s this got to do with Nudism? Well nothing really but Ky Furneaux the author of Girls Own Survival Guide happens to have appeared on my favourite naked reality show Naked and Afraid and added to that she’s an Aussie 🙂

Ky in some stunt action.

Ky’s website:

Ky’s Naked And Afraid bio:

I have been following Ky on Twitter (as well as all of the other Naked And Afraid participants) so when I saw her tweeting about her impending book release, then saw her on Aussie TV promoting her book I took notice, at first I was thinking it would be a great book for my wife to read because as she will readily admit she depends on me for a lot of things like giving her directions to her jobs/making her lunch every day/paying the bills/doing the shopping and many other things that she says she would be lost without me (no it’s true, I’m not just blowing my own trumpet here) and I may be going away for a few weeks at some stage (no I’m not going to jail!) so I was thinking she may be able to pick up some tips from Ky’s book.

Pretty in pink! (not recommend for men's pub reading)
Pretty in pink! (not recommend for men’s pub reading)

I purchased a copy of her book yesterday which was only just after it’s Australian release and I thumbed through it while sitting in my car when I got back to work after my lunchbreak… I ended up walking into work about 15 minutes late as I was so engrossed in the book!

This book not only appeals to the woman who wants to empower herself and be able to cope with some of the things life throw at them, but it is also great reading for us guys too…. as long as you can get past the bright pink front and rear covers (I don’t think I’ll be reading it at the local pub any day soon)

The information is delivered in a straight forward easy to understand way, with diagrams and sketches as well as in the centre section colour photo’s of Ky from her stunt woman career and her outdoor adventures, some of the information about survival techniques I have read before in military survival manual’s but Ky has given the content an easier to understand interpretation.

Other items in there will not be much use to the average man on the street, like how to run in heels or to fix a broken heel… but hey who knows?

I showed it to my wife when I got home and she was keen to read it…but I told her I will be reading it first!, then when I got back from doing the weekly shopping at about 9PM I sat down and read it almost cover to cover 😉

The book really covers a lot of topics from making a primitive shelter in the wilderness, how to navigate, how to fix a broken zipper, tips on looking good in the worst situations… even how to pee and poo in the wilderness!

I can see this being a great goto reference manual for anyone contemplating taking on a zombie apocalypse 😉

Girls Own Survival Guide is published by Penguin books Australia as a paperback or eBook.

My paperback copy was purchased from Dymocks Penrith, NSW store.

Michael Connolly


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