
I am a happily married life long Naturist who has been going nude in nature since about age 13, I am always looking for ways to promote the message that non sexual nudity is a healthy non sexual pastime to be enjoyed by all.

As you may notice by my articles I am an avid outdoors person who get’s naked in the Aussie bush any chance I get, my other interest is getting naked on TV and in short films when the opportunities present themselves…

I have appeared as a paid nude extra on the Network Ten TV series Puberty Blues http://tenplay.com.au/channel-ten/puberty-blues I appeared in the last episode (8) of series one of the program as a naked man on the rocks of a nude beach that one of the female actors had came down to check out.

Puberty Blues

I was paid to sit on the rocks for about an hour and a half, it was mid-Winter and a little chilly but lucky the sun was shining brightly so I actually enjoyed it… the film crew kept asking me if I wanted a blanket and saying I could get dressed in between takes if I wanted to, but being a true Naturist I declined their offer’s and soldiered on!

When the scene went to air I was on screen for 11 seconds (4 seconds in the special features on DVD too) and I discovered to my horror that they had dubbed a Cockney British voice over me saying “Hello, lovely day… you alright there?”

When I was placed on the rocks they told me to talk to the actress as she came down the rocks to the beach and just say hello etc, as she walked past me she had a little stumble and I asked her if she was alright getting down the rocks, hence the ” you alright there?”

I was also a nude extra in “Complex” (2014 Davo Hardy ) https://nudeyman.com/complex-nudist-short-film/

Nudeyman in the background with the tongs

Nudeyman in the background with the tongs

My very first foray into the acting world was when my friend Davo Hardy needed a lead actor after the guy he had lined up dropped out at the last moment… Davo was making a short film for Tropfest back in 2012, I had never done any acting in my life before and I loved it!

“Boy Toy” by Davo Hardy 2012 http://www.starnow.com/media/406715

Here is my “Star Now” profile: http://www.starnow.com/nudeyman for anyone looking for a nude extra or actor 😉

And my IMDb page: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6512798/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t31

I can also be found on the following social media websites:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/nudeyman

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nud3y

Instagram: http://instagram.com/nudeyman

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/cokebottlemichael (I used to call myself Cokebottle before I discovered I had super nudey powers 😉 )

Ello: https://ello.co/nudeyman

I am also the creator/ admin of Australian Naturist News on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/australiannaturistnews as well as an editor of Nudism https://www.facebook.com/worldnudism

I can be contacted at michael[AT]nudeyman.com (replace [AT] with @ )

Below is a few of my favourite pictures of myself enjoying the great outdoors nude as well as some modelling work I’ve done.

Leap of faith
This is me jumping off a rock into the creek on one of my lunch break skinny dips, I wedged my iPhone4 into the rocks behind me and filmed in movie mode then took a screenshot from the video.

Me under the waterfall at MiniHaHa Falls at Katoomba, iPhone4 strapped to a “gorilla pod” flexible tripod and in movie mode then screenshot taken.

I tried to catch some fish early Sunday morning... no luck.

I tried to catch some fish early Sunday morning… no luck.

Yet another movie mode screenshot on the iPhone, this was taken at about 6am while my wife was asleep in the tent on our nude camping trip in 2013.

Below is some modelling I did for a project called “Nudes Against Depression” it is still a work in progress with the intention of it being a coffee table type book with pictures of various people nude doing the things that help them cope with depression, the Facebook page is here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nudes-Against-Depression/419573161504159





9 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey Nudeyman:
    You sound like a most happy nudist brother. I was raised nudist in Arizona. We are a 3rd generation nudist family (Germanic background). Parents met during the ‘counter culture’ era (hippiedom) – at 14 my parents had me. So I am only 14 years younger than my folks. My folks split up when I was about 9, my nudist sister and Mom live in Hawaii now. I have lived naked with my nudist Dad. I feel I am blessed to have grown up living a nude life. We have 2,000 where we grow citrus. We have nudist area neighbors, this are a was settled by German’s and all are FKK originals.

    We can go from indoors to outdoors clothes free, and roam around, work naked. We have a crew of around a dozen who live in a dormitory, all nudist, many are Mexican and Interracial mix. We consider these workers family. After all we nudist are one big family. We live naked 24/7 as much as is possible (without getting arrested – haha) Actually the local sheriff and deputy’s know of ou nudist living – a few of the deputy’s are also nudist. we often drive naked, visiting, or partying. We often go on 3/4 day nude hiking/camping, swimming, fly-fishing, with group of our nudist men friends. It’s a nude, nude world (it can be if you make it so).

    Hope to hear from you nudist mate, for my Aussie ending. In America I would call you my nudist brother. You seem to be like me, like my nudist dad, spreading the joy of living naked with our NUDE BODIES! Yea keep her naked .

    Naked Johnny

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